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Posts Tagged ‘9 year old girl

Rethink Mass Murder

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Predator Drones continuously bomb innocent women and children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, but the mainstream media says almost nothing about it. Unless of course the anger about the bombings starts to rear it’s head in the populace, then we get plenty of RAND corp. backed stats of how wonderful and brilliant the drones are.

The disconnect becomes even more stark when you see the death orgy rise up around the Arizona shootings. The feasting horrorholics in the news will moan for weeks about the inhumanity of it all. Even the President has glomped onto the nine year old victim in his recent speech on the tragedy.

Now, it is absolutely a tragedy that deserves all of our attention, but there is something that twists my stomach up in a knot when I see the President shaken to his core over this little girl’s life, while the lives of the children blown to bits by his Predator Drone bombings seems to not even enter into his sphere of reality. This isn’t the first time the man I elected President has shocked me with his insensitivity. This Predator Drone joke at the White House Press dinner, that sounded just as callous and screwed up as Bush, kind of used up all my shock cards for Obama.

“Jonas Brothers are here, they’re out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans, but boys, don’t get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I’m joking?”

– President Obama